Recuperación Acelerada
Incluye el alivio de los dolores de espalda, el tórax y los tejidos blandos tras accidentes, el dolor artrítico y el dolor de cabeza, y una mejor recuperación de las úlceras en las piernas, la hernia, la hinchazón, la mala circulación y las picaduras de insectos.
La increíble historia de curación de un tetrapléjico
● Jason Parkinson, de Sequim (Washington), es un tetrapléjico con un valor y un optimismo extraordinarios. Sufrió una rotura de la columna cervical en un accidente automobilístico en 1990. En septiembre de 2017, este hombre de 47 años empezó a dormir conectado a tierra, y a conectarse a tierra también durante el día en su silla de ruedas.
En enero de 2018, informó una disminución de casi el 90% del dolor sistémico y de los espasmos nocturnos de las piernas, muy molestos, para los que había utilizado medicamentos muy fuertes e incluso correas.
Siempre propenso al frío, dice que ahora disfruta del calor sistémico. Su piel se ha vuelto rosada, lo que indica una mejora de la circulación.
Una prueba de laboratorio realizada en diciembre mostró que su testosterona "gravemente baja" se había disparado un 78% desde que empezó a hacer grounding. Llevaba dos años inyectándose testosterona y dejó de hacerlo "instintivamente" cuando empezó a hacer grounding. "Pensé que el grounding podría ayudarme con mi problema de testosterona", dijo. "Y así fue. Lo hizo".
La inflamación crónica visible en su cuerpo, piernas y brazos ha desaparecido.
Su capacidad pulmonar, antes limitada al 20%, se ha ampliado al 60%.
Jason dice que sus médicos están sorprendidos.
"Estoy haciendo tierra la mayor parte del día. Casi las 24 horas. Cuanto más me conecte a tierra, mejor. Bien a las 8 horas, mejor a las 12, y estoy bastante cerca de las 24 horas todos los días. Me está ayudando fenomenalmente. Mi energía está fuera de serie", dice. "Mi fuerza y claridad han aumentado mucho. Mi pelo es más grueso. Mi mujer y mi cuidador dicen que tengo más confianza en mí mismo".
Rápida recuperación de un codo destrozado
● Katie Sloan, una consultora de redes sociales en Atlanta (USA): "Me rompí el codo y me disloqué gravemente el hombro en un extraño accidente a principios de 2019. Me sometí a una cirugía, seguida de una semana en el hospital. Durante el primer mes no pude mover el brazo ni los dedos. Fue aterrador. Después de la autorización de mi cirujano y fisioterapeuta para utilizar el grounding, me recuperé rápidamente. El médico dijo que tardaría ocho meses o más en recuperar el movimiento. Después de tres meses durmiendo en tierra y utilizando parches de grounding durante el día, volví a tener una extensión casi total del brazo, y todos los dedos se movían de nuevo, y podía levantar la mano hasta la mitad y ponerla en la cabeza. Tanto mi cirujano como mi fisioterapeuta estaban bastante sorprendidos.
"En septiembre, había recuperado toda la amplitud de movimiento del brazo. Aunque todavía no podía soportar todo el peso, lo cierto es que todos mis fisioterapeutas me preguntaban qué había hecho para recuperarme tan rápidamente. He empezado a dar clases de yoga en tierra y todos mis terapeutas vinieron a mi primera clase hace unas semanas, así que ha sido un último mes increíble para volver a estar en forma."
Healing relief from job-related knee damage and surgeries
● Marcia Rudd, 63 años, Woodside CA (EEUU), marzo de 2019: "Había estado trabajando como electricista durante muchos años. Durante un trabajo en 1998 tuve que usar cinco juegos de escaleras para subir y bajar que me causaron un grave daño en ambas rodillas. Tuve que pedir la invalidez. Me operaron tres veces de la rodilla y me sometieron a todo tipo de tratamientos, como terapia de inyecciones, inyecciones para el dolor, parches para el dolor, ibuprofeno y extracción de líquidos. Me vendaron las rodillas con vendas y necesité un andador. Las rodillas se me hinchaban constantemente. Durante seis años, estuve en la miseria, limitada a unas cuatro horas diarias de actividad, y pasé mucho tiempo poniendo hielo en las rodillas y manteniéndolas elevadas. Y descansando mucho. Me dijeron que estaba luchando contra la inflamación. No estaba contenta.
"Alrededor de 2004, empecé a hacer Earthing. Los resultados fueron rápidos. En pocos meses, pude eliminar el andador y las vendas. Mi cojera desapareció. La hinchazón disminuyó considerablemente. Me conecté a tierra con seis parches de electrodos cada noche y con un mat de cama conectada a tierra.
"Earthing" fue un gran alivio y me hizo ganar tiempo. Nunca dejé de hacer Earthing. Las cirugías que necesitaba no se realizaron. El Earthing mejoró mi calidad de vida. No necesitaba cuidar tanto mis rodillas. Podía nadar y caminar con palos. Cocinar y hacer la compra se hizo mucho más fácil, sin necesidad de carros eléctricos.
"En 2006, en Hawái, estaba trabajando como cultivadora de orquídeas y me caí 5 metros del techo del invernadero. Me rompí un codo y me fracturé la pelvis. Estuve un mes en el hospital, necesité un andador con extensión para el antebrazo, tres operaciones para enderezar el codo y fisioterapia. Gracias a Earthing, apenas hubo hematomas e hinchazón. ¡Yo llamo a eso prevención! Y Earthing vino al rescate de nuevo!".
"En 2018 me reemplazaron la rótula de la rodilla. El Earthing ayudó a romper el tejido cicatricial. El fisioterapeuta incluso notó cómo ayuda a que el tejido de la cicatriz sea suave y más pequeño.
"Hoy, estoy muy libre de dolor, con sólo una necesidad ocasional de un Tylenol. Bailo. Hago senderismo. Nado. Vivo mi vida. Estoy muy agradecida por Earthing, no sólo por cómo me ha ayudado físicamente, sino por cómo me ha ayudado con el nivel de estrés."
Alivio de úlceras de las piernas
Acupuntor de 58 años de Australia: "Cuando tenía unos 20 años tuve un accidente de moto, y necesité injertos completos de piel en la zona de la pantorrila izquierda. Una capa de piel muy fina estaba unida directamente al hueso, sin ninguna amortiguación por debajo. Desde ese momento, tengo muy mala circulación y adormecimiento en esa zona.
"Desde entonces, he tenido docenas de heridas y úlceras en las piernas en los lugares de los injertos de piel, principalmente por golpes al cortar leña o al segar la hierba, donde las piedras salían volando y golpeaban mi injerto de piel. Las heridas y úlceras resultantes tardaban entre 8 y 12 semanas en curarse, dependiendo de su tamaño.
"En 2012, desarrollé nueve úlceras en las piernas. Nunca había tenido tantas úlceras a la vez. La úlcera más grande medía unos 15 mm!.
"Habiendo utilizado el grounding de manera efectiva durante algún tiempo, para mí y para mis pacientes, inmediatamente comencé a conectarme a tierra lo más posible. En el césped. En las mañanas de la playa, mientras daba un paseo descalzo o nadaba. Y toda la noche en mi sábana de grounding. Hacía grounding hasta 18 horas al día. Normalmente me conectaba a tierra unas 12 horas al día.
"No usaba pomadas, desinfectantes ni antibióticos. Sólo el grounding.
"En ocho días, las úlceras habían cicatrizado muy bien. (Imagen inferior)
Cicatrización acelerada-2
"A los 18 días (abajo), sólo quedaban dos costras, una pequeña hacia la parte superior de mi injerto y otra muy pequeña cerca del tobillo. Mi pierna había vuelto a la normalidad después de menos de 3 semanas. La experiencia me demostró sin lugar a dudas que "Earthing" es una fuerza curativa simple pero poderosa que creo que es un regalo del creador."
Back and chest pain relief following an accident
● From a 55-year-old man in Finland: “I injured my sternum in an accident, and the injury caused pains in my back and chest. Sleeping has been difficult due to not being able to find a comfortable position without pain. I put the grounding sheet in my bed and already on the first night I slept peacefully and felt more relaxed, without pain. In addition, my musculature has remained relaxed even after physical work. The stiffness that used to bother me is now gone. I have gained a peaceful sleep.”
Back pain relief following an accident
From a woman in Australia: “I fell off an electric scooter and it ran over me. I was taken to the hospital and they couldn’t do much for me. They told me it would take 6 weeks to 2 months for healing and recovery, and possibly longer. I couldn’t walk, only shuffle. I had really bad pain in my lower back which was affecting my pelvic area.
“I heard of Earthing and decided to give it a try. After two nights of sleeping grounded, I couldn’t believe that the pain had reduced by at least 50% and I had my mobility back. I am so amazed by the effect. It’s been less than 4 weeks and I have experienced considerable repair and healing to my body to get on with my normal lifestyle.”
Ankle sprains
● From Bo Syrotiak, an occupational therapist in Southern California (2019): “I sprained my right ankle really bad while hiking, resulting in severe swelling, sensory abnormalities, and skin texture changes. Even after two years, I still had mild swelling, skin discoloration, pins-and-needles feeling, and sandpaper-like skin texture at the site of the sprain. I started grounding by walking barefoot on the lawn and beach as often as I could. Within about three months the symptoms such as sandpaper-like skin dryness and swelling healed up and resolved. I normally sleep grounded, walk barefoot on moist grass at sunrise, and walk barefoot on the beach on Saturdays. I even started a beach meetup group called Move Barefoot to inspire others.”
● From Suzanne Button, 58, Lakeland, Florida (2019): “A few days ago I twisted my ankle stepping down off a curb when my flip flop twisted. Immediate sharp pain and inability to put pressure on it without pain indicated a sprain. First I went to the beach and stood in the sand at the base of the ocean for 45 minutes with the water rushing over and burying my ankle in the wet sand. This brought some improvement. Then at night I used a grounding band wrapped around the sprained ankle and slept with it there. The next morning my ankle was healed. I was able to walk on it and put pressure on it with no pain. I had no swelling either. No doctors, zero pain killers, crutches, wraps, boots, cast, etc. and my ankle is fine!! I love earthing!”
Knee arthritis
● “My wife is an ex-dancer, and developed wear-and-tear arthritis in her knees, quite severely in the right knee. She doesn’t want to take medication or undergo knee replacement surgery. For the last eight years she has been sleeping grounded and has no problem sleeping. During the afternoon she will apply a patch to each knee after the pain has intensified from daily activity and she is relaxing, watching TV or reading. She says the patches usually give her major relief in about 10 minutes.”
Recovery from shinbone fracture and knee arthritis
● From an Arizona sales manager of fitness equipment: “Three weeks ago I started grounding since with the sheet at night and the mat by day. The effects have been nothing short of miraculous. I had a tibial plateau (shinbone) fracture about 13 years ago. It was cracked in 5 places on the articular surface of the tibia. Over the years it had become more arthritic so I treated it with a daily intake of chondroitin and glucosamine. This had enabled me to continue to be active, but over the last year or so it was becoming more inflamed and painful. If I were to skip more than a few days of my supplement intake, the knee would be very painful and limit my activity level.
“The first day I started grounding I decided to stop taking the supplements and see if the grounding alone would have a positive effect. After a few days of grounding had gone by I was dumbfounded by the lack of pain in my knee so I decided to test it more. I hadn’t been able to run much lately because of the pain and swelling so I decided to take a run on the street as this would definitely cause some irritation and pain. Well, the next day no pain!
“I have a background in exercise physiology so the science of this made sense to me but I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact of pain for 13 years and in a matter of a few days it had disappeared. I was beginning to think this was all in my head!
“So to test it more, I decided to get a real litmus test by doing squats in the gym which always jacks up the knee and of which I hadn’t done in several months to a year. To my utter surprise and delight, no ensuing pain or inflammation! I’ve continued to test it with additional running and another bout with squats with the same result……no pain or inflammation! It has been 3 weeks now without any supplementation with virtually no discomfort or inflammation in my knee at all. I seriously am pinching myself!
“In addition, I have experienced less post exercise muscle pain from my workouts. This became very evident when I embarked on the squat workout. Anyone who works out will know, when you workout a muscle group hard that you hadn’t worked out in months, like I hadn’t with the squats, better be ready for some serious muscle soreness the next 3 days. Well, I had very minimal muscle pain day one and NONE the 2nd, 3rd days. Pretty amazing! I have also experienced deeper sleep, an overall calmness and a more balanced energy throughout the day.”
Recovery from surgery for a thigh bone fracture
● From a 70-year-old Florida man: “The first time I used a grounding sheet I quickly noticed that a small pain in my left heel was gone. Several months later, I had a nasty fall. My wife had to call Fire Rescue to help me up off the floor. They transported me to a local hospital where they confirmed that I had broken my left femur. The very next day I had my wife bring the sheet to me while in the hospital. The next day I had an operation where I had a rod placed into my leg. The day after surgery I had a visit from my doctor and he was amazed that I had no swelling in the leg whatsoever. I remained in the hospital for 4 additional days and the doctor and nurses all were amazed that the leg never began to swell. There appears to be no other explanation than the grounding sheet doing its function. I have gone through rehab since being released from the hospital and am 95% back to where I was before the fall and no one is taking my grounding sheet from me. I don’t know how much a role the sheet played in my recovery, but the leg never swelled. I did have pain that was associated with the recovery from the operation, but it quickly subsided and today I am walking again. My doctor told me that I recovered extremely quickly…65% ahead of the curve for similar operations he has performed. A coincidence or a commentary on the value of the sheet? During the day I will typically find one of my two cats sleeping on top of the sheet. Think they know something about grounding?”
Speedy recovery from minor surgery
● From a California woman: “Yesterday (September 25, 2017) I had surgery, a relatively minor procedure, and when I came home, I was in considerable discomfort, bordering on pain. As evening approached, I was beginning to regret refusing the prescription for OxyContin. But sleeping with my Earthing pillow on my stomach seemed to work. This morning the swelling is gone and so is the pain! I was told to expect at least two days of pain, but I didn’t even need a Motrin! My husband is waiting on me hand and foot, so I’m not telling him!”
● From a retired computer programmer in Washington State: “I am in my third year of being grounded nightly. I’ve had some minor surgery done and was told that the cut/damage that was done to my skin would take weeks to heal. Not so! Within days it had resolved and disappeared.”
Quick relief from insect stings
● From a university administrator in 2016: “This past week I had a few incidents where Earthing came to the rescue. First I got stung by a wasp on top of my foot. I went outside in the grass barefoot…and the pain went away in moments.
“The next day, while doing some morning yard work, I walked barefoot across the top blocks of a stone wall, and the wall gave way. I came tumbling down with the block scraping against me.
I had a minor scrape on my back and bruised foot, but the leg near the knee was worse. I immediately went straight to the grass and stood there wondering if I’d feel a stinging pain. It never really hurt, but within 10 minutes I was stung by a yellow jacket, which of course stung at first, but that went away almost immediately.
“I sat in the grass with both feet and both hands touching the grass for close to an hour. During that time, once, or twice I felt a mild version of the yellow jacket sting for just a moment, but that was about it. The healing of the sting was very noticeable, in terms of stopping to pain and reducing the swelling/welt very quickly. In the past I’ve always made a salve with baking soda and used meat tenderizer…..and didn’t need either. I then went into the house and used salt water to clean/wipe my wounds, and used the grounding pad inside for a while.
“The scrapes healed quickly, as noticed by scabbing over completely by the next morning. From playing softball over the years, and scraping my legs, I recall that it always took several days to scab over to the point where I didn’t have to worry about my pants sticking to the oozing wound/scrape. Hard to measure, but I certainly felt that the entire healing process was accelerated.”
Rapid healing of soft tissue damage following fall and fractures to elbow and pelvis
● From Marney, 81, a retired Canadian nurse: “I have had osteoporosis for 20 plus years. Always been a good walker, up to an hour a day, eat a healthy mostly vegetarian diet, very little sugar. Have had an Earthing half sheet for 3 years and an Earthing mat under my desk.
“On Dec 26th, I tripped at a curb, fell face forward on the sidewalk. In the hospital, X-rays and scans determined a fractured left pelvis, no displacement, and severely fractured left elbow, requiring surgery with the addition of titanium wire, plate screws plus a fibreglass cast for 21 days. Home after 11 days, on pain medication, and an intense rehab program. Our sleeping arrangement was moved from the bedroom, to eliminate stairs, to the main floor of the house. My Earthing sheet was entirely forgotten.
“Three months later, physical therapy had substantially helped elbow healing. Surgeon pleased with recovery and elbow use, but I had shoulder, neck, upper back pains; soft tissue issues. I was walking daily, increasing my distance, but also developing hip, knee, and lower back aching.
“Saw a physical therapist for relief. It was now four months post-fall. I had long before stopped pain meds, taking only anti-inflammatory supplements. But I was ‘whining’ and ‘complaining’ about multiple discomforts. It felt like the fall had shifted, almost, realigned my spine from neck to tailbone; my hips, legs, and arms from the stretching/walking/exercising. I ached all over. The therapist suggested the soft tissue damage from my fall needed addressing. She advised heat, stretching, and home exercises, and it was at this time that it finally hit me…..where is my Earthing sheet? I quickly found the sheet and remade the bed with the sheet lengthwise on my side.
“In less than a week, I was cautiously saying to myself, ‘I am feeling better.’ I stopped the supplements and have not taken any since. I could sit in a chair without needing to be propped up with pillows, I could turn over in bed. I didn’t need pillows between my knees to keep my pelvis in alignment. I was wary of saying, ‘Yeah, I am so much better’ in case I was suddenly struck with shoulder, hip, neck, and leg pain again. But gradually the feeling of ease increased, which I relished and welcomed.
“At the last physio appointment, nine months post-accident, the physical therapist said she ‘had not seen anyone of my age heal from such a traumatic injury so quickly.’ I credit my Earthing sheet as complementing and probably accelerating this major healing of soft tissue and only wish that I had resumed it much sooner. Now, more than a year later, the aching, spasms, and fatigue have not returned. Daily walks of 45-60 minutes and up to two hours once or twice a week, weather permitting, are the norm.”
Fast healing after cutting off piece of finger
● From a 62-year-old woman: “I cut off a piece of my finger on Friday that was almost dime-sized. Today is Wed. and it is completely scabbed over and shows no signs of inflammation. At 62 years old, I was expecting a far longer recovery time.”